Provide the full name of the biobank (as required by MIABIS-2.0-03).
Biobank acronym (as required by MIABIS-2.0-02).
Juristic person of a biobank (as required by MIABIS-2.0-05).
The biobank belong to the Biobank Sverige network.
If applicable, provide the registration number of the biobank at Inspektionen för vård och omsorg.
If the biobank is already listed in BBMRI-ERIC, please provide its ID. These IDs are based on MIABIS 2.0 standard (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 + underscore + biobank national ID or name), prefixed with bbmri-eric:ID: string. For example, bbmri-eric:ID:SE_9999.
Biobank URL (as required by MIABIS-2.0-04).
Biobank description (as required by MIABIS-2.0-08).
If the biobank has a logotype, please provide a URL of this logo (http://..). The logo will be displayed on the page of the biobank in the registry.
Provide the address where the biobank is located.
Contact person
First name of the person who handles enquiries and questions on behalf of the biobank.
First name of the person who handles enquiries and questions on behalf of the biobank.
E-mail address of the person who handles enquiries and questions on behalf of the biobank.
Phone number of the person who handles enquiries and questions on behalf of the biobank. To be filled out according to MIABIS 2.0 including international prefix (+99999999999 form with no spaces).
The password used to validate the submission.