Provide the name of the biobank to which the collection belongs. If this biobank has not yet been added to the Swedish COVID-19 Sample Collection database, you need to fill out this form to add it.
Collection name (as required by MIABIS-2.0-03).
Collection acronym (as required by MIABIS-2.0-02).
If this is a subcollection of a larger collection, provide the name or local ID of the parent collection.
Collection ID within the biobank. Please put "N/A" in case the local collection ID is not available (healthcare samples).
If the collection is already listed at BBMRI-ERIC, please provide its unique ID within BBMRI-ERIC. This ID is constructed from biobankID prefix + :collection: + local collection ID string (as required by MIABIS-2.0-01). For example, bbmri-eric:ID:SE_9999:0000.
Collection description (as required by MIABIS-2.0-08).
Collection homepage URL.
Please provide a reference to a published article or a preprint (including DOI) that should be cited when resources from this collection are used for research.
Registration number of the Swedish ethical approval. Please put "N/A" in case ethical approval was not required (healthcare samples).
When did the sampling for this collection start.
When did the sampling for this collection end. Leave blank if sampling is ongoing.
Provide a date until which the collection is guaranteed to be available. After this date, the researchers will be advised to contact the biobank to ask whether the collection is still available.
Choose at least one collection type.
Type(s) of collection.
Choose at least one collection type.
Type(s) of collection as per BBMRI-ERIC classification. Required for the collection to be included in BBMRI-ERIC.
Choose at least one data category.
Which types of data are available (as required by MIABIS-2.0-13).
Size of the collection to the given date.
Date to which the indicated size of the collection was valid.
List of standards to which the collection complies.
Provide one or multiple diagnoses (as required by MIABIS-2.0-17). We use ICD-10 codes for the diagnoses.
Number of donors from whom samples were obtained.
Indicate whether the samples were obtained during autopsies.
Indicate whether the samples were obtained from individals below 18 years old.
Provide a list of inclusion criteria.
Provide a list of exclusion criteria.
Collection contains material(s) of this/these type(s) (as required by MIABIS-2.0-14).
Sample storage temperature(s) - SPREC 2.0 (as required by MIABIS-2.0-15).
Denotes whether access to samples may be obtained on fee-based basis.
Denotes whether access to samples may be obtained on joint project basis.
Collection head
First name of a person in charge of the collection, typically PI.
Last name of a person in charge of the collection, typically PI.
Official role of the person in charge of the collection, typically PI.
Collection contact person
First name of the person who handles enquiries and questions regarding this collection.
First name of the person who handles enquiries and questions regarding this collection.
E-mail address of the person who handles enquiries and questions regarding this collection.
Phone number of the person who handles enquiries and questions regarding this collection. To be filled out including international prefix (+99999999999 form with no spaces).
Please provide a list with full references including DOIs for each published article or preprint. This information will be displayed on the collection page.
The password used to validate the submission.