{{ if eq $.Site.Language.LanguageName "Svenska"}} {{ range $index, $cont := $.Site.Data.funding_opportunities }} {{ if ne .title_sv "COVID-19 pandemic research and preparedness"}}

{{ if eq .status "closed"}}[Utlysningen har nu stängts] {{ end }}{{ .funder_sv }}: {{ .title_sv }}

Sista ansökningsdag:: {{ .deadline }}
Hemsida: Hemsida för utlysningen

{{ .desc_sv }}

{{ if or .applicant_sv (or .participating_res_sv (or .period_sv (or .amount_sv (or .budget_framework_sv (or .start_period_sv (or .application_period_sv (or .award_date_sv)))))))}}

{{ if .applicant_sv }}Söks av: {{ .applicant_sv }}
{{ end }} {{ if .participating_res_sv }}Medverkande forskare: {{ .participating_res_sv }}
{{ end }} {{ if .period_sv }}Bidragstid: {{ .period_sv }}
{{ end }} {{ if .amount_sv }}Bidragsbelopp: {{ .amount_sv }}
{{ end }} {{ if .budget_framework_sv }}Budgetram för utlysningen: {{ .budget_framework_sv }}
{{ end }} {{ if .start_period_sv }}Bidragsperioden startar: {{ .start_period_sv }}
{{ end }} {{ if .application_period_sv }}Ansökningsperiod: {{ .application_period_sv }}
{{ end }} {{ if .award_date_sv }}Bidragsbeslutet publiceras: {{ .award_date_sv }}{{ end }}

{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ range $index, $cont := $.Site.Data.funding_opportunities }} {{ if ne .title_eng "COVID-19 pandemic research and preparedness"}}

{{ if eq .status "closed"}}[CLOSED] {{ end }}{{ .funder_eng }}: {{ .title_eng }}

Deadline: {{ .deadline }}
Detailed information: Call homepage

{{ .desc_eng }}

{{ if or .applicant_eng (or .participating_res_eng (or .period_eng (or .amount_eng (or .budget_framework_eng (or .start_period_eng (or .application_period_eng (or .award_date_eng)))))))}}

{{ if .applicant_eng }}Applicant: {{ .applicant_eng }}
{{ end }} {{ if .participating_res_eng }}Participating researchers: {{ .participating_res_eng }}
{{ end }} {{ if .period_eng }}Grant period: {{ .period_eng }}
{{ end }} {{ if .amount_eng }}Grant amount: {{ .amount_eng }}
{{ end }} {{ if .budget_framework_eng }}Budgetary framework: {{ .budget_framework_eng }}
{{ end }} {{ if .start_period_eng }}Start of grant period: {{ .start_period_eng }}
{{ end }} {{ if .application_period_eng }}Application period: {{ .application_period_eng }}
{{ end }} {{ if .award_date_eng }}Publication of grant award: {{ .award_date_eng}}{{ end }}

{{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }}